This information is provided pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 (hereafter “Regulation”) to anybody interested in becoming a candidate for recruitment by or collaboration with Unistudio Legal & tax con UNISTUDIO & GAMBINO – Legal and Tax Advisors (hereafter “Unistudio or Controller”).
The Data Controller is Unistudio with headquarters in Milan (MI) Via Durini 26 – Tax code 02901730230 with the following contact data: | tel. +39 02 83418800.
Unistudio has appointed a DPO (Data Protection Officer) in the person of Attorney Avv. Cristiano Bertazzoni, with the following contact information: | tel. +39 045 801 3399.
The data you provide when you send your CV by email ( in the “Career” section of the website will be processed for the following reasons:
- to ensure that your profile is in line with the positions available at Unistudio and generally to manage the recruitment procedure;
- to contact you to arrange an interview using your contact information.
The legal basis for the processing of your personal data for the above reasons is art. 6(1)(b) of the Regulation (“[…] processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract;”). Providing your data for this reason is voluntary; however, if you do not provide your data Unistudio will not be able to assess your profile or call you for interview.
Your data will be stored for 12 months and subsequently deleted definitively.
Your data will not be transferred outside the European Economic Area and may be shared with persons authorized by Unistudio to process personal data who undertake to keep the data confidential or are legally obliged to do so.
In general, providing documents and CVs explicitly or voluntarily involves the acquisition of personal data. If you provide third-party information to Unistudio, you automatically become the Data Controller with all the obligations and responsibilities specified in the law. Hence, you hold Unistudio harmless from any dispute, claim or request for damages etc. from third parties that may arise in relation to the personal data processed as a result of you providing data in violation of the regulations safeguarding personal data. In all cases, where you provide or process third-personal party data, you guarantee that such processing has a proper legal basis pursuant to art. 6 of the Regulation, justifying the processing of the information in question and accept the liability arising from this guarantee.
At any moment, you may ask Unistudio for access to your personal data, and to rectify or delete them of refuse to allow them to be processed pursuant to art. 21 of the Regulation. You may require the processing of data to be limited pursuant to art. 18 of the Regulation and have the right to obtain your data in a structured and commonly used format legible using an automatic device in the cases specified in art. 20 of the Regulation.
Requests can be sent to UNISTUDIO LEGAL & TAX with headquarters in Milan (MI) – Via Durini 26 and to the email address
In any case, you have the right to report any matter to the Data Protection Authority (Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali) pursuant to art. 77 of the Regulation where you believe your data have been processed unlawfully.