Stefano Izzo
Business Consulting Partner
Stefano has a solid background in Finance and strong skills in Organization and Project Management. He has led project teams dealing with highly complex projects involving significant technological innovation and new processes in the AFC field on behalf of multinationals working in a number of dynamic sectors.
Stefano led a Practice of “Diagnosis and Design of AFC Systems”, acting as Team Leader with projects of great operational and managerial complexity in highly structured
environments, including the steel industry, publishing and supermarket chains, operating with primary customers, some of them historical leaders in their sectors.
He has also overseen operations of particular significance in terms of media and social impact.
He is a specialist in diagnostics projects, design and the re-engineering of processes and systems in the ERP field and CPM.
He was Senior Operations Group Controller for an important multinational in the Fashion industry.
Stefeano speaks Italian, English and French.